Full Time Locally Intertied System, determine best signal for your location.

San Diego 449.440 (-) PL 107.2 Otay Mountain looking to San Diego /El Cajon *

Palomar 449.260 (–) PL 107.2 Palomar Mountain covers Hwy 78 Corridor *

Downtown/ Seaport 147.060 (+) PL 107.2 Market Street Rooftop SD Harbor / Omni*

*These three repeaters are linked and may also be connected to Statewide Cal Net system from time to
time. The repeaters could be mixed and matched for special events. ARES can regularly be heard, best
place for information during emergencies. System is not a club and open to everyone with no special
rules or restrictions, other than respect.

Otay 220 223.840 (-) PL107.2 Full-time connected to a growing number of 220 repeaters across the
country. 10am nets scheduled every day and 7pm net on Fridays.

Zebra Relay 146.520 >>> 449.120 Repeats 146.520 Simplex; 200-Mile Range on a good day.
We also operate a FREE DMR Network (SD-DMR), free code-plugs are available.