Field Day 2016 Photos
For the complete FD 2016 collection, go to John, K6CPO’s SmugMug™ page.
Field Day 2015 Photos
Just a few pictures posted below. For more pictures to view and download go to John’s SmugMug™ page.
Tower Work/Antenna Replacement and New Yaesu System Fusion Digital Repeater
Go to John’s page for the entire gallery of photos taken during the repair and replacement of antennas and installation of our new repeater.
Field Day 2014 Photos
Go to John’s page for the entire gallery of photos taken during Field Day 2014
Fry’s Operating Day April 26, 2014
Go to John’s page for the entire gallery of photos taken at Operating Day at Fry’s.
Solar Panel Installation 10/6/2013
Go to John’s, K6CPO page for the entire gallery of the Solar Panel Installation photos.
GO Kits 11/01/2012
Field Day 2012
Go to John’s, K6CPO page for the entire gallery of Field Day 2012 photos.
Chula Vista Harbor Days 2011
Go to John, KJ6MDx’s page for the entire gallery of Field Day 2011 photos.