Monday, February 10, 2025

ARRL Special Service Club
South Bay Amateur Radio Society
P.O.Box 121132
Chula Vista CA 91912
Email: k6qm at
Repeater: 146.085 MHz (+) 100.0
Repeater: 147.180 MHz (+) 110.9
Repeater: 448.340 MHz (-) 100.0
SOBARS is an active ham radio club with members from San Diego, National City, La Mesa, Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, Bonita, and North Park. Our club callsign, K6QM, honors the memory of longtime SOBARS member John Weiting, who became a Silent Key in 1998.
SOBARS meets monthly and has nets on Tuesday nights. Go to the Meetings and Nets tab for the latest information. Meetings start at 7:00 PM and usually features a guest presentation. Refreshments are served (sometimes) at the break and we’re out by 9:00 PM. Voting members pay annual dues of $20.00 to support the club’s activities, but there is no need to be a member (or even be a ham) to attend meetings.
SOBARS is committed to serving the City of Chula, the CVFD, ARES, Chula Vist CERT, the Red Cross and the south bay area in emergency and non-emergency communications.
All are welcome.

SOBARS is a Special Service Club of the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) the national organization of amateur radio operators, headquartered in Newington, Connecticut.
Want more club information? Click here for a club brochure (revised).
Interested in becoming a member of SOBARS? Click here to download a club application and bring it to a club meeting with your dues.